Servicio limitado por inclemencias del tiempo
Si AppalCART brinda un servicio limitado debido al clima adverso, las rutas que pueden estar limitadas incluyen las rutas verde , naranja , rosa , pop 105 , púrpura , plateada y de State Farm . Para las rutas publicadas a continuación, controle Twitter para obtener actualizaciones adicionales, ya que las condiciones climáticas pueden cambiar inesperadamente en Boone.
Se debe esperar que todas las demás rutas se ejecuten según lo programado. Sin embargo, si las condiciones meteorológicas empeoran, las actualizaciones se publicarán a través de Twitter y dentro de nuestra aplicación Live Transit.
Route may not run to the Cottages of Boone. Instead, Green will pick up at the NC 105 / Poplar Grove Intersection.
Route may not run into Mountaineer Village Apartments or on Brookshire Park Road. Instead, Orange will pick up at the bottom of the hill of Yosef Drive on US 421 at the regularly scheduled pickup times ( :00, :10, :20, :30, :40, and :50 minutes past the hour).
​Route may not run to University Hall Dr.
Route may not run to University Highlands Apartments. Instead, Pop 105 will pick up on NC 105 at the Forest Edge stop at the regularly scheduled pickup times (:05, :15, :25, :35, :45, and :55 minutes past the hour).
Route may not run into Village at Meadowview Apartments. Instead, it will pick up at the bottom of the hill at Meadowview Dr / Madison Ave every ten minutes ( :07, :17, :27, :37, :47, and :57 minutes past the hour).
Route may not pick up at CCC & TI. Instead, Silver will pick up on the 105 Bypass at the intersection of Community College Drive and White Oak Road.
Route may not run to Poplar Grove (ASU Child Development Center).